Wednesday, 11 July 2012

acid and alkali

acid and alkali are one of the properties of substance that existed in our daily life. our food and our daily life activities all contain various types substance and ingredient which have their own properties which is either acid,alkali or neutral. so how can we recognize the acidic or alkaline or neutral substance? 

do you recognize those? 

in those picture, that an indicator that can tell you whether the substance is acidic, neutral or alkaline.

acidic substance are substance that contain acid 
acidic substance did not change red litmus paper 
acidic substance change blue litmus paper into red coloration

blue litmus paper turn to blue when in contact with acidic substance 

if you can't find any litmus paper, you still can distinguish the properties of substance. just use your tongue!
if the substance that you taste is sour, then they might be an acidic substance.but be aware!!! not taste any substance!..make sure it is edible and safe then you can do the tasting. example of acidic substance that we always use in our daily life

lemon and it's family (citrus)


alkaline substance are substance that contain alkali
alkaline substance did not change blue litmus paper 
alkaline substance change red litmus paper into blue coloration

red litmus paper change into blue coloration

for alkaline you absolutely cannot taste those alkaline substance below

that's all for the topic. we shall discuss about an experiment in this topic next.

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